Bill Critchley Psychotherapist

Coaching for individuals

Psychotherapy and coaching are quite closely related.  Psychotherapy explores how people are coping with their lives and relationships, and coaching explores how people are 'performing' in their work context, and how these two dimensions of their lives interrelate.

Specific experience of coaching

I have coached many Chief Executives, Directors and senior managers, in their role as managers, as leaders of change, and also in their quest for personal development

At any one time I am working with four or five individuals going through significant personal change (see above), so I integrate my experience of organisations, and my experience of psychotherapy into my coaching practice.

Examples of current and recent client work

  • Coaching a number of Partners in law firms
  • Coaching senior executives in the energy and media sectors
  • Supervising many coaches and organisation consultants
  • Facilitating/coaching a number of Executive boards/ teams for:
    • A leading UK retailer
    • A high profile charity
    • Senior teams in National and Local Government

My approach to coaching

My approach to coaching is based on the assumption that people cannot become something they are not; they can only become more of what they are.  So I encourage them to explore in depth the role they take up and the style they adopt in their current context; their patterns of behaviour and relationship, and the thinking and assumptions which inform their current practice. 

Out of this exploration will emerge an appreciation of their strengths, their 'shadow' potential, and the particular issues on which they want to work. They create the agenda, but, for example, the type of issue which frequently emerges, is difficulty with delegating; a belief that they have to take decisions alone rather than with others; over-managing and consequently feeling overwhelmed and stressed.  I help them to become aware of what 'drives' these, usually unhelpful behaviours, and encourage them to experiment with different styles and behaviours.  In my view change and development is a process of continuous experimentation.

Usually senior leaders find the opportunity to talk in confidence to an experienced coach who has no investment in particular outcomes, really helpful in itself, and very liberating.  They benefit from the challenge to their habitual thinking and behaviour; they become more self aware which is a leadership competence in its own right, and usually they report renewed confidence in their ability to act as leaders.

If you are interested in my work with organisations please visit




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