Bill Critchley Psychotherapist

Bill Critchley MBA MSc

I started my career in sales and marketing, but quickly found that this was not where my heart lay. At the same time, having difficulties in my first marriage, I was undertaking group psychotherapy at the Institute of Group Analysis. Then, while doing my MBA I discovered organisational psychology which resonated with my experience in group therapy.  

I found my way into what is known as 'OD', namely applied organisational psychology, and to develop my skills, I trained at Metanoia Institute in Gestalt and Transactional Analysis, and after 10 years qualified as a Psychotherapist.  Later I joined Ashridge Business School and was part of creating a consulting practice based on Gestalt principles and informed from ideas from the study of 'complexity'.  

While at Ashridge I founded an MSc in organisation consulting and a programme for developing coaches, as well as leading major consulting projects.  Throughout this time I practised as a psychotherapist.

Professional accreditations:

  • Visiting Professor at Middlesex University
  • MBA from Cranfield School of Management
  • MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy from Middlesex University 
  • Member of EMCC        
  • Member of UKCP
  • Fellow of RSA
  • Associate Fellow of Complexity and Management Centre, University of Hertfordshire
  • Ashridge Accredited coach




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