Bill Critchley Psychotherapist

Relational therapy

I subscribe to the belief and practice that our sense of ‘Self’ is formed in relationship, in particular with early carers.  Whatever I draw on, be it Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, or indeed a few of the principles of Psychoanalysis, I integrate the ideas into this overarching philosophy.

Relationships are co-created between person and person and it is in relationship that growth and healing occurs.

So I pay attention to the relationship that emerges between therapist and client as our work together emerges

I see therapy as a conversation between two people rather than one in which I play the expert and interpret your experience.

The purpose of this relationship is to inquire into your experience, particularly those aspects which are troubling; help you become more aware of how you create your experience and how you might experiment with different ways of engaging with the people and situations which you are currently finding problematic.



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